Guangdong Automobile and Motorcycle Sports Federat

Recently, the 2017 Guangdong Automobile and Motorcycle Sports Federation Annual Work Conference was held in Lianping County, Heyuan City, Guangdong Province.

This meeting closely revolves around the national strategy of national fitness and the central work of accelerating the development of the sports industry and promoting sports consumption at the national and provincial levels, and deploys work such as this year's Guangdong Automobile and Motorcycle Federation sports events and the construction of car camping camps, further building a Guangdong "racing+tourism+culture" platform.

In addition to Liu Kejun, Chairman of Guangdong Automobile and Motorcycle Federation, Mai Liang, Executive Vice Chairman of Guangdong Automobile and Motorcycle Sports Federation, as well as nearly 150 Vice Chairmen, members, and member units of the Federation, Mr. Jiang Huijian and Ms. Lin Hui, the leaders of the Car God List and the five time off-road champion, also attended the meeting.

It is understood that Guangdong Province is one of the provinces in China where automobile and motorcycle sports are well developed. In 2016, the Automobile and Motorcycle Association of Guangdong Province actively explored and realized the socialization, substantiation and industrialization of the association, focused on the automobile cross-country race, the "the Belt and Road" automobile rally, the cultural journey of the ancient post road in Jinan, the national RV rally, brand sports events, and actively completed the training of project safety administrators, automobile and motorcycle sports referees, and achieved good social effects.

During the meeting and exchange session, Ms. Lin Hui stated that although there are many automobile sports clubs and automobile sports bases in Guangdong region at present, the public's exposure and understanding of automobile sports are not deep enough, and they only stay in the limited circle of enthusiasts. She suggested that the Guangdong Automobile and Motorcycle Federation exert its platform influence, vigorously promote the popularization and dissemination of automobile sports culture in 2107, conduct more official training lectures and event explanations on automobile sports, further deepen the public's understanding of automobile sports culture and actively participate, and truly create a tourism culture atmosphere with Guangdong characteristics.

At this meeting, Guangdong Automobile and Motorcycle Federation officially released the "Construction Standards and Management Measures for Automobile Camping Camps in Guangdong Province", and carried out the 2017 event and project promotion and all terrain vehicle experience activities. As a pioneer and disseminator of "dynamic" life, the Car God List will spare no effort to support the various work of the Guangdong Automobile and Motorcycle Sports Federation in 2017, and together with it, gradually build and improve an interactive and exchange platform for automobile tourism, sports and culture for car enthusiasts.

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